Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Course structure of Basics of Human development For MBA - Ist semester

Instructor : Dr. Prem S. Vashishtha and Mr. Mridul Dharwal
Program: MBAS
Course: Basics of Human Development
Course Code: HUM 101
Credit: 3
Aim : The aim of the course is to provide the students with an overall understanding of the Key issues in human development related to underdevelopment, poverty and inequality, and to ensure that human development and growth are understood with a wide socio-economic and gender mainstreaming perspective. The basic issues are relevant to all societies and economic systems at different levels of development. However, these issues need immediate attention, particularly in the developing societies and market transition economies.
Course contents:
Economic growth and development :
Growth and Development : Meaning, Characteristics and Indicators
Human Development: Concept
Human Development: Paradigm shift in approach to development
Human Development : Measurement and Issues :
Poverty, Inequality and Development
Human Poverty Index (HPI)
Human Development Index (HDI)
Gender aspects :
Gender related Development Index (GDI)
Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)
Towards Sustainable Human Development :
Green GDP
Natural Resource Depletion and the Poor
Global Warming, Adaptation to climate change and the poor
Role of State in Promoting Human Development :
Children and malnutrition
Education and skill formation
Financing of social sector schemes
Indian scenario
Governance Issues :
The role of Political freedom and concern with human development issues
Decentralized Governance and local decision making
Managing social sector programs in India
Books Recommended :
Amartya Sen : Development as freedom.
Jean Dreze and Amartya Sen : India Development and Participation. ( Oxford, Pub.)
Debraj Ray : Development Economics. (Oxford Pub.)
Amartya Sen : Action India, Economic Development and social opportunity.
Rudradutt and Sundram : Indian Economy (Latest Ed.)
S. K. Misra and V.K. Puri : Indian Economy (Latest Ed., Himalaya Publishing House)
A.P.Thirlwal:Growth and Development with special reference to Developing Economies. (Latest Ed.)
Michael P.Todaro:Economic Development in the Third world (Latest Ed.)
G.M.Meier:Leading Issues in Economic Development (Latest Ed., Oxford Pub.)
Reference Books :
India Development Report 2008 (Oxford Pub.)
World Development Report (Latest). (World Bank)
Human Development Report 2007/2008 (UNDP)
Human Development Report 2006 (UNDP)
Human Development Report 1990 (UNDP)
The Economic Survey-Government of India. (Ministry of Finance)
Five year plans of India. (Planning Commission)
Website address :
United Nation Development Programme ( http://www.undp.org)
World Bank (http://www.worldbank.org)
Planning Commission (http://www.planningcommission.nic.in)
India Budget (http://www.indiabudget.nic.in)

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